CAIT BIMR CRICKET PRIMIER LEAGUE was organised by CAIT in association with BIMR Hospitals as major sponsor with other co-sponsors from CAIT members on Sunday, 11/12/2022 at Roop Singh Stadium, Gwalior from 10.00AM to 12.00(midnight)

In this program Home Minister Dr. Narottam Mishra, Executive President of Gwalior Division Cricket Association Shri Prashant Mehta, Mayor Mrs. Shobha Satish Sikarwar, National General Secretary of CAT Shri Praveen Khandelwal, Senior Superintendent of Police Shri Amit Sanghi, Municipal Commissioner Shri Kishore Kanyal, Chief Executive Officer Gwalior Development Authority Shri Pradeep Sharma, Additional Superintendent of Police Shri Rajesh Dandotia and many administrative officers and politicians were present as chief guests and special guests.

Gwalior. Signature City Sunrise won the final match in the CAIT BIMR Cricket Premier League. CAIT Maharashtra President Shri Sachin Nivgade, CAIT Women's Wing National Coordinator Ms. Sangeeta Patil, Jalgaon, Ms. Purnima Shiriskar, Mumbai, CAIT Madhya Pradesh President Shri Bhupendra Jain, BIMR General Manager& Executive Trustee Govind Deora was prominently present.

More than 2000 people were invited to this match event and the attendance was around 4000 CAT member families. The prize distribution was done by Shri. Govind Deora, Shri. Bhupendra Jain, Shri Ravi Gupta and other CAIT officials. The EVENT was well managed and such Events are rarely seen. Kudos to all CAIT team for their exemplary display of management abilities

Dr. Raghavendra Jadon with BIMR Physiotherapy team extended their full cooperation in this event. Around 125 people including players were treated by the physiotherapy team during event. Govind Deora Executive Trustee BIMR Hospitals and his team members were present during the event from 9 am to 12 pm.(midnight)