Aneurysm Coiling

Procedure Done by : Dr. Saurabh Gupta & team

Aneurysm Coiling

Did a case of aneurysm coiling in 29 year old male First ever case done through endovascular approach in entire region Patient presented with c/o severe thunderclap headache loss of conciousness Ncct head was s/ o brain Haemorrhage ( Subarachnoid Hemorrhage) DSA was s/o Aneurysm in Left ACA Aneurysm coiling was done through endovascular approach

Advantages of this procedure over open surgery

  • 1. Minimal blood loss
  • 2. No stitch or scar mark
  • 3. Patient can be discharged early.
  • Risk during procedure

  • 1. Intraop rupture leading to bleeding
  • 2. Bp and pulse rate variation
  • 3. Vasospasm
  • Patient was discharged without any focal neurological deficit Thanx to BIMR management as it is now possible to perform these high end surgeries in Gwalior