
Procedure Done by : Dr. Pawan Shukla & Team

An interesting case of invasive Pulmonary aspergillosisby Dr. Pawan Shukla, Pulmologist, BIMR Hospitals, Gwalior

63 yr old male with previous h/o COPD came with complaint of sudden severe sob...he was intubated in Critical Care ward and taken on ventilator. CT chest was suggestive of left lower lobe consolidation so bronchoscopy done and BAL sent for relevant investigations.

patient was then extubated. all BAL reports were inconclusive so I was bit sceptical initially but finally BAL galactomannan came strongly positive for IPA. patient started on voriconazole.

Thanks to Dr Praveen mangal sir and Dr. Raghvendra Upadhyay sir for providing valuable support