limb salvage surgery

Surgery Done by : Dr.Amol Singhal & Dr. Utkarsh Pal

Two rare surgeries done in our BIMR hospital last week by our oncology team...

One is limb salvage surgery with modular prosthesis which previously people used to do amputation of limb but this time we preserve a limb of a lady suffering from malignant GCT proximal tibia with the help of modular prosthesis.

Good work by Dr. Utkarsh

Another surgery performed by me and Dr. Shyam Gupta in which a young man suffering from carcinoma buccal mucosa with mandible and skin involvement ... We remove the mandible and reconstruct it with fibula bone from the lower limb using 3 d technique in making osteotomy so that the exact mandible is formed. Now the patient can have a functional jaw ...

It feels good that we are now not only saving the life of the patient ..but also taking care of the quality of life of the patients. Both the patients are discharged ... Patient having symmetrical face...will implant teeth on fibula later on...

One important thing is that both the surgeries were done under the Ayushman Bharat yojana.

Thanks to the management BIMR, Deora sir, and Dhir sir for supporting our team.